Q: How has Science and Technology changed over the years?
A: Science and technology has changed drastically over the years. the scientific Revolution lasting from 1500-1700 was a period of scientist thinking in a different way they solved their problems and developed new technology by using the scientific method. 
  • Ancient Science & Tech in the following Civilizations: Egypt, Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, 
  • Civilizations of the Americas
  • The Scientific Revolution
  • Heliocentric/ Geocentric Theory
  • Francis Bacon
  • Nicholas Copernicus
  • Galileo Galilei 
  • The Renaissance
  • The Scientific Method
  • The Industrial Revolution
  • Thomas Edison
  • Henry Ford
  • Wright Brothers
  • Factors of Production
  • Factories
  • Coal & the steam engine
  • Labor Saving Devices
  • The Space Race
  • The Internet 

  • Egypt- Is relevant to Science and Technology because Egypt used hieroglyphics, created the calendar and the temple. 

  •  Rome Is relevant to Science and Technology because they invented aqueducts,roman arches and the newspaper.

  • Greece Is relevant to Science and Technology because they used philosophy,geometry and mathematics to solve problems and advance their technology.

  • Mesopotamia is relevant to science and technology because they used gold, geometry and metals.

  • Civilizations of the Americas Is relevant to Science and Technology because they invented new technologies using the scientific method 

  • The Scientific Revolution Is relevant to Science and Technology because this is when people started to branch out from the church and using the scientific method to solve problems and invent new technologies to fix those problems.

  • Heliocentric Theory is the theory that explains that the sun is at the center of the solar system.

  • Geocentric Theory is a theory that explains that the earth is at the center of the solar system.

  • Francis Bacon Is relevant to Science and Technology because he proposed the scientific method.

  • Nicholas Copernicus Is relevant to Science and Technology because he completed a general model of the path of the planets and overcame the geocentric theory with the heliocentric theory. 

  • Galileo Galilei is relevant to science and technology because he invented pendulums and perfected the telescope.

  • The Renaissance Is relevant to Science and Technology because people started to observe things differently. 

  • The Scientific Method Is relevant to Science and Technology because it is the way to solve problems. if someone has any problem from a math problem to a real life social problem they can use the scientific method. to produce new inventions to advance technology this method is used 

  • The Industrial Revolution Is relevant to Science and Technology because to mass produce a product or products their had to be factories that could solve that problem. it also led to the invention of the steam engine.

  • Thomas Edison Is relevant to Science and Technology because he advanced the technology of a light bulb and many other items.

  • Henry Ford Is relevant to Science and Technology because he invented to assembly line and perfected the model T.

  • Wright Brothers are relevant to Science and Technology because they invented the technology of airplane. The airplane is one of the greatest used ways for transportation today. 

  • Factors of Production Is relevant to Science and Technology because to solve the problem of how to produce products first you need capital to be able to buy land and then you need to pay for your laborers. 

  • Factories are relevant to Science and Technology because people had the problem of not being able to get the things they needed fast like we can just go to the store. with factories products are mass made.

  • The Space Race was a competition to get to space between 1957-1975 between the soviet union and america. It Is relevant to Science and Technology because america and the soviet union where both trying to advance in technology that was able to solve the problem of getting into space.

  • The Internet Is relevant to Science and Technology because by the scientific method people had a problem of not being able to be at a certain place at a certain time or they wanted to stay connected to friends. the fix to these problems was the internet.

  • Coal & the steam engine- the discovery of coal led to the use and invention of the steam engine. the steam engine is relevant to science and technology because the steam engine is the technology that helped solve a problem.

  • Labor Saving Devices are relevant to Science and Technology because with the use of the scientific method problems where being solved by inventing new technologies such as the iron and washing machine to save the amount of labor it took to complete a task.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

